Choose the Right Bathtub for your Bathroom

Soaking your body in a bathtub offers various health and wellness benefits. It reduces muscle tension and helps you rejuvenate after a tiring day. A bathtub does more than cleanse your body.

It offers a soothing and personal experience. But purchasing the right bathtub for your bathroom can be tricky. So we have accumulated a few factors that you should consider while buying a bathtub.

  • Style

Bathtubs are available in different styles, and choosing the right style often depends on the space available inside your bathroom. For instance, oval bathtubs are a perfect choice for smaller bathrooms. 

Oval bathtubs are symmetrical and round in shape. They resemble a water basin and look pretty modern. Oval bathtubs contrast well against the sharp edges and corners of your bathroom.

You can also look for drop-in bathtubs that are dropped in a carved space and then sealed. You won’t find much difference between drop-in and under-mount bathtubs in terms of visual appeal. Moreover, they both can help save space and are available in a plethora of styles and materials. You will also be able to customize them with powered jets for a more relaxing experience. 

  • Material

While choosing the right material for your bathtub, you should consider comfort as well as price. Every material feels different to touch and offers a different level of comfort. So you should determine which bathtub material would be the most comfortable and deliver a soothing experience. 

Acrylic is one of the best bathtub materials. It is lightweight and available in a wide range of styles and sizes. Acrylic is a non-porous material, which makes it highly durable. Acrylic bathtubs are resistant to heavy impacts and chipping. 

  • Weight

Weight is an important consideration when buying a tub. The weight of your tub, like its size, will decide where you can place it inside your bathroom. If the tub’s material is too heavy, your bathroom will be unable to hold it when filled with water. Acrylic is lightweight and the best material for bathtubs in most homes. 

  • Installation

Installing a bathtub can be quite complicated, depending on its shape and size. Therefore, you should understand which bathtub style is the easiest to install. Drop-in bathtubs are easier to install than corner or freestanding tubs. It’s always recommended to get professionals to install the bathtubs the right way.

  • Price

While buying tubs for your bathroom, it’s crucial for you to consider the price. Smaller bathtubs are cheaper than larger ones. But size isn’t the only factor influencing the price of a bathroom. 

The material of the bathtub will also affect its price. For instance, fibreglass bathtubs are the cheapest and steel, copper, and cast iron bathtubs are extremely expensive. If you are looking for a moderately-priced bathtub, acrylic is the material you should choose. 

  • Lifestyle

You should consider the needs of the people using it before buying a bathtub. A taller tub is great when you want long soak sessions. But if you have elderly people or kids in your home, a taller tub won’t be useful for them.

Parting Words

When you are looking for the perfect bathtub for your home, the collection from Kohler will impress you. Check out the collection of bathtubs today and find the most comfortable one for your home!