Cleaning Hacks That Can Damage Your Toilet

Cleaning the toilet is a separate chore from other household tasks. Here are some tips on how to do it correctly.

Do Not Fall for Tiktok’s Fabuloso Hack

You might have seen a TikTok how-to video suggesting using Fabuloso in the toilet bowl to clean it with every flush. It might seem like a convenient way to keep your toilet clean, but it can actually do more harm than good.

Putting a large bottle inside the tank of your toilet can cause damage to parts made from rubber and plastic. These chemicals can lead to the inner workings of your toilet failing and leaking.

Additionally, the bottle in the tank displaces the water needed to flush the toilet properly. This can result in clogs or backups, making your toilet unusable.

While having a clean bathroom is important, leaving a cleaner bottle in your toilet tank is not a good idea.

Drano Is Not Suitable for Toilets

When you’re dealing with a clog, it’s important to get rid of it quickly. Instead of using chemicals like bleach, which can be harmful and damage your toilet, here’s how to unclog a toilet safely:

Bleach, found in strong chemicals like traditional Drano, can dissolve clogs. But as it works, these chemicals are flushed into the drain. The trap, the S-shaped bottom part of a toilet, is where these chemicals can get stuck. Both the trap and the toilet are made from porcelain, and the chemical reaction from Drano can crack the porcelain.

If you use a plunger to remove the clog and then add chemicals, you risk splashing them onto your skin. This can cause irritation or burns.

Don’t Flush Cleaning Wipes

Using disposable cleaning wipes might seem like a quick and easy way to clean the toilet, especially if you’re targeting bacteria on the handle or seat. However, it’s important to know that even wipes labeled as “flushable” should not be flushed down the toilet. The United States Environmental Protection Agency advises homeowners to only flush toilet paper.

These so-called “flushable” wipes don’t break down like toilet paper does, which can lead to damage in your home’s plumbing system and even your local wastewater collection system.

So, while you might be tempted to try out the latest dance challenge, be cautious with those toilet cleaning hacks, as they could end up causing harm to your plumbing system.

This post was written by Joey Denick. Joey is the Owner and Operator of Clog Kings. At Clog Kings, LLC, we pride ourselves on our dedication and efficiency. We know you don’t have time to waste. That’s why we work fast to get your home or commercial building back up and running in no time. If you are looking for plumbers in St.Petersburg FL then look no further because we got you covered!