All homes are prone to water damage. It is always best to carry out Waterproofing Toronto both in the interiors and exteriors of the home to protect your house from any kind of water damage. There is not just one type of waterproofing. There are several types of waterproofing services and we are here to tell you about them.

Exterior Waterproofing

Exterior waterproofing of the house is carried out to protect the actual structure of the building. This type of waterproofing is more expensive and requires more work. However, the results of it are going to serve you for years to come. Exterior waterproofing helps to create a waterproofing system that directs and disperses the water away from the foundation walls of your home. It covers up the exposed foundation by applying the needed waterproofing material. This type of waterproofing helps to protect the foundation of your home from any kind of water damage.

Interior Waterproofing

As the name suggests this type of waterproofing is carried out in the interior of the property. This treatment involves using waterproofing materials to add layers of protection. It is paired with an interior drainage system that directs the water away from your home. Some interior excavation work is carried out to install the interior drainage system, however, it doesn’t require as much work as exterior waterproofing does. Interior waterproofing helps to protect your home from mold and mildew. The waterproofing will also help the hydrostatic pressure which plays a key role in the wetness indoors.

Emergency Waterproofing

Water damage is not something when expects and when it appears the damage done can be extensive. It is hard to predict when the pipe I going to burst or a flood is going to damage the property. Prevention is better than cure. Emergency waterproofing also includes repair, drainage and mold removal services.

Backwater Valve System

A backwater valve is a crucial installation that protects your home from the backflow of sewage. This backflow could happen for various reasons like flooding or lack of water pressure.

Foundation Repair

Sometimes the water can seep into the foundation and damage it. Damage to the foundation can seriously compromise the safety of those who live inside the house. Foundation repair services form a crucial part of waterproofing services as it restores the walls and floors of the home to its sound state and frees it from any cracks or defects which could cause leaks or damps and have an impact on the stability of your home. Only once this has been done can waterproofing really serve you to the fullest.

Installation of Weeping Tiles

Sometimes water can begin to collect around the foundation of your home, which might seem into the basement. This can cause structural damage to your property. It can also make your house damp and give rise to mold growth. Installing weeping tiles will help to reduce the amount of water that is collected around the foundation by draining the water into the weeping tiles that are connected to the sewer system or sump pump.