Mark Roemer Oakland Explores the Importance of Termite Control


According to Mark Roemer Oakland, controlling termite infestation is incredibly important since it can cause devastating damage to all the wooden structures in your property. Termite infestation is not always easy to spot until it’s too late. So, it’s important to call in professional help to perform regular inspections and prevent any substantial damage to your property.

The Reasons

Here are a few reasons why it’s important to control termite infestation:

  1. It helps to prevent damage to your property – Termites are known for feasting on wooden furniture, structures, items, and objects. However, they also eat away clothing, carpets, and other objects made of any type of fabric. This can not only be a nuisance and make your home environment unclean but also cause huge losses in terms of monetary value. 

The worst part is that damaged structures and objects can attract other types of bugs and insects such as cockroaches, carpet bugs, silverfishes, and moths to your house which can further complete the problem. So, it’s important to get rid of a termite infestation as soon as you can.

  1. Termites can cause structural damage to old wooden houses – Termite infestation can cause devastating damages when they manage to burrow into the wooden component of your house. They start feasting on beams, walls, and flooring from the inside which can weaken the structure by a significant margin and make it vulnerable to collapse. Ultimately, it risks the lives of every member of your household. This problem is especially apparent in older houses with structures that have not been treated to deal with termite infestations.
  1. It can save your money in the long term – It can cost a substantial amount of money to deal with the damage of termite infestations. Termites can chew through several pounds of wood every year. The cost of fixing damaged wood panels and flooring is often quite a bit. However, the repairs can turn truly expensive when they manage to damage the ceiling or your home’s foundation. 

And it’s not always possible to restore a piece of furniture to its former condition if the damage is not noticed at the earliest stages. Thus, controlling termite infestation allows you to minimize the damage they can do to your property and enable you to save a lot of money in the long term.

  1. It helps to eliminate health risks – Pests such as termites can cause a host of medical complications such as allergies, respiratory problems, asthma, skin rashes, and more. They are often responsible for deadly diseases such as Lyme disease, urinary tract infections, dysentery, intestinal infections, and more. Not to mention, they carry harmful bacteria and viruses that pose serious health risks to children as well as adults.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests you hire the services of a reputable pest control company if you suspect a termite infestation in your house. Termites are known to feast on wood and wooden products such as plyboard and paper too. Thus, if you have expensive antique furniture or a precious book collection in your library, you shouldn’t delay any longer.