Outdoor Lighting: 4 Factors to Consider

Outdoor lighting may not be regarded as a basic necessity, but it’s considered an absolutely crucial part of houses all across the world. Here is why this is the case:

  1. Outdoor lighting makes going in and out of your house easier for you at night
  2. Outdoor lighting can discourage unwanted visitors and even thieves
  3. Outdoor lighting makes it easier for guests and other people to see and locate your house
  4. Outdoor lighting helps your houses’ façade to pop up even in the midst of the night, making it look very cool and attractive. 

There is so much aesthetic value attached to outdoor lights, especially in American families. Having proper outdoor lighting can be extremely useful and should not be ignored. High-quality outdoor lighting, like Union outdoor lighting can make a huge difference. 

Here are some basic outdoor lighting factors that you need to take into account while going for outdoor lighting. 

  1. Durability

Since the outdoors is a very vulnerable place, the durability and rating of outdoor lighting fixtures are absolutely important. Wind, rain, and even cold can damage your outdoor lights and lighting fixtures. 

Whatever light you go for, make sure it is able to withstand the harsh and vulnerable conditions of outdoor spaces. You can go for UL dry, UL wet, or UL damp lights. People usually prefer wet-rated outdoor lighting

  1. Size

Since the outdoors are usually very spacious, the lights you go for should be bigger than usual. However, the size shouldn’t be too big because that may compromise the look of your house instead of enhancing it. Also, make sure the big size doesn’t cause any blockage of doorways. Ideally, your outdoor light shouldn’t be covering more than a quarter of your doorways. 

  1. Color and Style

Since most people install outdoor lights usually only for aesthetic purposes, the color and style of the lights matter a great deal. Make sure that both the color and style go well with the overall look of your house’s façade, especially the doorways and walls. The style of the light should also be on top of your priorities list. 

  1. Energy Efficiency

Outdoor lighting is usually and mostly an extra cost, which is why it should be very energy efficient. The most excellent choice for any outdoor lighting are LED bulbs. They are both energy efficient and extremely attractive. Also, they are not very bright, which is what makes them the best choice for all sorts of lighting contexts.


Outdoor lighting may be optional but can make a huge difference. They don’t cost much but can have tremendous positive effects in terms of both aesthetics and safety.