10 Ways To Help The Planet

Saving the planet is everyone’s job. Big gestures are not necessary to help preserve and protect our nature. We must be aware of the climate emergency that we are going through and that endangers the subsistence of natural resources and biodiversity. But we must also act.

We are not talking about significant actions or decisions more typical of countries. We are talking about daily activities, day-to-day, which individually and collectively, can help build a more sustainable planet because the health of the planet is within everyone’s hands.

To reduce the effects of climate change, there are several actions that the United Nations Environment Program recommends we carry out. Putting all of them into practice will allow us to build a more sustainable and respectful future with the environment.

Ten ways to help save the planet are:

Avoid using the car

Sustainable mobility is an alternative way to travel to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and thus improve air quality. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is already a problem that affects not only the health of our ecosystems but also human health itself. And it is estimated that millions of deaths occur each year due to this type of contamination.

Leaving the car behind and opting for mobility alternatives such as walking, using public transport, biking or scootering are ways to help improve the quality of the air we breathe.

Save water and avoid waste

Water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet, but also the scarcest. To protect this natural resource, avoid excessive consumption. Saving water at home is essential so that this vital resource for our lives does not run out.

Plant trees, plant oxygen

Reforesting is an action that contributes to fighting climate change. And it is that trees not only provide us with oxygen but also absorb CO2, improving air quality. Promoting and encouraging their planting is a way to save the planet and stop the climate crisis.

Among the motions to care for the planet, we should practice ‘Sowing Oxygen’, an initiative that seeks to contribute to environmental balance by recovering forest mass and protecting our ecosystems.

Use green energy

The use we make of energy has an impact on the planet. On the one hand, it is advisable to reduce electricity consumption to reduce the environmental impact. And on the other, we must always be able to choose the greenest and least polluting options.

A better option, and cheaper, in the long run, is to generate your own electricity from a solar panel system. Solar panels are now much more affordable than a decade ago and using the sun to power your home can reduce utility bills to almost zero.

Use efficient appliances

This gesture is linked to the previous one. Household appliances that contribute to energy efficiency allow more significant energy savings. In either case, we must use them as little as possible.

For example, do not use the washing machine and dishwasher until they are fully loaded, work with short programs whenever possible. Limit the use of the dryer due to its high CO2 emission. The fridge is the appliance that uses the most energy. If it is more than ten years old, it is better to replace it with a new one, which may consume up to 40% less energy.

Sustainable tourism to save the planet

The way we travel also influences the health of the planet. We must be able to review our tourist activity to choose travel options less contaminating our natural environment. Concentrating on sustainable tourism is a way to ensure that our leisure does not harm nature.

Regulate the air conditioning and use LED bulbs and tubes

Both air conditioning and heating are highly polluting. Its use must be rational and always appropriate to the recommended temperatures. Aircon parts are available to help you control the temperature remotely and avoid overuse. Whenever possible, we should use LED bulbs as they are the most efficient, last the longest and are the most environmentally friendly.

Avoid food waste; consume local and seasonal products

Not wasting food is one of the simplest actions we can take to help protect the planet’s health. Planning a weekly menu and sticking to it when shopping for groceries can help us not buy too much.

It would be best if you also considered the consumption of seasonal products since the consumption of these involves less energy expenditure in transport and in refrigeration for storage and conservation, which often means a large amount of CO2 emissions.

Reduce consumption

Reducing consumption helps to reduce the carbon footprint and the water footprint. Consuming responsibly is essential to help the planet.

Follow the 3 “Rs” and avoid plastics

If you reduce, you save energy, avoid exploiting natural resources, and reduce pollution and environmental impact.

But, in addition, the other Rs, reuse and recycle, are just as important. With the first, the objective is to consume less, and with the second, it is about extending the life of use of the objects. And, of course, the use of non-reusable plastics must be avoided since they are highly polluting for the planet, especially for rivers, seas, and oceans.